Monday, November 26, 2007

The writers go on strike so the tennis balls will fly!

It's not secret that I'm a fan of the 80's. I loved the clothes and the music. Hell, I even loved much of the TV, but some shows were either cancelled or sent off to obscurity for a reason - a reason that NBC has apparently overlooked.
Although it's pretty hard for any network to try to line up original programing when they all of a sudden don't have new episodes of their current line up, but I would think that contingency plans would be key...
...So am I the only one that think NBC bringing back American Gladiator is pretty silly? Sure, I loved it when I was a kid. The heroes, who were almost portrayed as villains against the underdogs with tennis balls being shot at them - sort of like the mix of game show and reality show, but did we need to bring it back? I guess I'll be fair and wait to see what the other networks bring out for the beginning of 2008, but I'd be surprised if there are some quality shows that haven't gotten a chance, just waiting for the call.