Being fairly new to blogging in general, I was surprised to find out that a successful blog has far more components than just good articles you think people want to read. When pointed to, I found insight that will hopefully continue to make my blog better and obtain a more diverse readership.
For many, blogging is a business and it's very important that people actually visit your site. Not unlike promoting a book or novel, you need to promote your blog with good old fashioned leg work, but then how do you know you're actually reaching your readers? has a wonderful article on why Alexa is a good idea for those seeking to a way to track their traffic. Speaking of promotion, the folks at are running a promotion for the month of October called Buzz Your BLOGFEST, which is a unique opportunity for your site to be reviewed and perhaps bring a few extra visitors!
Very useful site. Thanks for the info. I'll be visiting and reading up. Gotta get that PR up right!
Thanks for the blog Buzz... I'll be doing yours tonight (Monday!)...
Best Wishes
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