If you have your own website and want to make some extra cash, why not help out the good folks at XYZ by posting a banner on your web page? As part of XYZ Bikes' affiliate program, every time a unique reader clicks on the banner on your page, you earn cash. For every bicycle purchased on the XYZ website through the banner posted on your page, you receive 5% of the sale. You can even earn 5% when you buy one for yourself. That could come in mighty handy if you're in the market for one of the sweet new Chopper Cruisers!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Make extra cash advertising XYZ Beach Cuisers!
Did you hear that 10-speeds and mountain bikes are out of style and beach cruisers are back in? If you've been strolling the boardwalk, you've noticed more and more people riding these classically designed bicycles. Even if you already own one, you still want to check out XYZ Bikes for the hottest new styles and trends in beach cruisers.
If you have your own website and want to make some extra cash, why not help out the good folks at XYZ by posting a banner on your web page? As part of XYZ Bikes' affiliate program, every time a unique reader clicks on the banner on your page, you earn cash. For every bicycle purchased on the XYZ website through the banner posted on your page, you receive 5% of the sale. You can even earn 5% when you buy one for yourself. That could come in mighty handy if you're in the market for one of the sweet new Chopper Cruisers!
If you have your own website and want to make some extra cash, why not help out the good folks at XYZ by posting a banner on your web page? As part of XYZ Bikes' affiliate program, every time a unique reader clicks on the banner on your page, you earn cash. For every bicycle purchased on the XYZ website through the banner posted on your page, you receive 5% of the sale. You can even earn 5% when you buy one for yourself. That could come in mighty handy if you're in the market for one of the sweet new Chopper Cruisers!
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