Monday, February 18, 2008
Bronzing is no longer a thing of the past!
One of the things I admire most about Mainers and indeed living in Maine, is the strong sense of tradition that enriches our lives. I feel blessed to come from a family that takes pride its’ history and passes down special keepsakes from generation to generation. For some reason, I feel that such a practice has become lost in our society with the advent of everything electronic. Old photo albums with baby pictures have been replaced with online viewing sites while other traditions are simply just lost. I suppose I thought that was what had happened with the practice of bronzing baby items. That isn’t to say I had put all that much thought into it, but recently, while viewing some of my mothers’ antiques, we came across a pair of my baby shoes that had been bronzed. As if it were yesterday, I suddenly recalled seeing these laying on the floor in my old room, and I smiled; perhaps partially because I never thought of myself as being so small, but more so because my mother had kept the bronze keepsakes for all these years. The even better news is that at least in the circles I travel in, people are becoming increasingly more aware of their heritage and embracing traditional practices, hence things such as bronzing are once again relevant. Luckily, American Bronzing Company never stopped bronzing family heirlooms and other items and they been doing it since 1934. American Bronzing is so intent on making you happy with your bronzing experience, they offer a 100% guarantee, leaving you with nothing to lose. Visit them at

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