Monday, December 31, 2007

Will you flake on your New Year's resolution?

Oh how I love it when people talk about New Year's resolutions. As someone who is fascinated by people, I love to hear all the excuses people come up with for either not following through with their resolution or worse, not even coming up with at least one. Don't get me wrong; I don't judge someone seriously by these, as by-in-large they are meaningless, but quite frankly, resolutions may be the only thing of substance to this holiday. Now I'm not going to lie, I've rarely been successful in my resolution attempts, but I do give it a shot because it's fun and given that I'm a competitive and goal oriented by nature, it's just another way to make things interesting. And if I make one and it doesn't work out, well at least I can say that I tried. So what are mine for 2008? Well, I haven't come up with a complete list as of yet, but I have three thus far, at least two of which I'm going to take quite seriously: I resolve to lose 35 pounds and keep it off this time. I resolve to improve my performance at work and do the best I can each day. And finally, I resolve to end the ski season having logged 80 days on snow this season. This may include some hike-to-ski days in the spring. So there are mine. Don't cop out this year and make your own list; you have absolutely nothing to lose by doing so.


rel=nofollowJay a.k.a. 'Dat' said...

What's up Jerry?! Long time no speak man... but hope you accomplish your resolutions this year!

Happy New Years!

Also, I tagged you but I think I tagged your other blog, opps... it's at

take it easy!


Anonymous said...

Hehe, well my problem with the New Year's Resolutions is that by the end of the year, I forget what resolutions I made at the beginning of the year! (The list is usually long and gets inevitably lost)
So this year, I'm only making two:)